Albert Einstein
refused to celebrate
Prior to May 29, 1919, Einstein was a relatively obscure and unknown scientist.
Very few people at the time knew who he was.
His revolutionary work of many years, the theory of general relativity was in the public domain but had not yet been proven correct.
Einstein’s theory was so far-fetched it was a massive deviation from time-tested scientific theories which had endured the test of time.
Theories from scientific stalwarts such as Isaac Newton were at risk if Einstein’s theory of general relativity was proved to be correct.
Such proof would instantly catapult the German scientist to superstardom not just within the scientific community, but across every field imaginable.
To prove Einstein right meant the real possibility he would be placed above literally every scientist to ever walk the face of the earth.
No easy feat for a man who did not talk until he was at least three years of age.
A man who was called ‘slow’ as a child due to his late development in many areas.
May 29, 1919 was no ordinary day in the life of Einstein.
Neither was it for the world.
It was a day with a solar eclipse.
The solar eclipse provided the world the opportunity to test Einstein’s theory of general relativity and either disprove it and relegate him into perpetual ridicule and further obscurity or suddenly turn him into the world’s most famous scientist.
Einstein understood the importance of the day.
The magnitude of what was at stake was not lost to him.
Many people will choose different ways to mark such a day.
Some will hold watch parties while they wait for the results of the test, others will find unique ways to commemorate the day.
Albert Einstein chose to go teach.
He acted as though it was just another day with nothing much at stake.
As Einstein was in class teaching, a young journalist who was closely following events surrounding the solar eclipse and the test which was being carried out internationally to find out the veracity of the general theory of relativity, got word that Einstein’s theory was corroborated by measurements from the solar eclipse.
The stars had ‘shifted’ just as Einstein predicted.
The young journalist ran with all his strength to the classroom where Einstein was teaching to inform him of the great news.
“You have suddenly become the most famous man on earth!” the journalist screamed in excitement as he broke the news to Einstein.
The ecstatic young journalist was surprised to find out Einstein took the news while showing very little emotion.
It was an unusual response for something so big and momentous.
The bewildered journalist asked Einstein in disbelief,
“why are you not excited? This is a big deal for you, now that you have been proven to be right.”
Albert Einstein still emotionless turned and gently replied the journalist,
“I knew I was right.”
Those words from Einstein are the same words uttered by every great person the world has ever known who started out in obscurity.
It takes a lot of work and effort for an individual in obscurity to be elevated unto the world stage.
Such individuals start out with no one believing in them or what they have to offer.
The only one who tends to have faith in such a person’s abilities is the individual himself or herself.
Such a person celebrates his achievements long before the world has the opportunity to see the wonderful work of his hands.
The world is usually late to the party, as was the case with Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein did not celebrate on May 29, 1919 because he already celebrated the truth of his theory many years prior.
The day Albert Einstein finished the work on general relativity was the day he danced and jumped and celebrated.
That was why he was emotionless on May 29, 1919.
That day was for the world to celebrate.
Not Einstein.
What is it in your hands you know is right but the world has not yet seen?
Celebrate it now.
Do not wait for the world to see it before you celebrate.
The world is always late to the party.